Welcome to the
Free Anglican Mission Society

“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
The Free Anglican Mission Society is a community of mission churches, that are dedicated to the traditional, foundational, pillars of the Christian faith of both East and West. Our Goal is to rekindle the works of mercy both corporal and spiritual, in the lives of the clergy and also that of the Laity. We are Missionaries, who are dedicated to diverse communities and the people therein, who may feel separated or excluded. We enter with them in Christian charity and true devotion.
We are strongly secure in our faith and dedication to Jesus in all the ways that He makes himself known to us; in the poor, in communities of diversity, in the Eucharist and in our hearts and minds. We are grounded upon the spirituality of the historic Anglican liturgies and sacraments. We remain liturgically traditional, and are strengthened by the sacredness within these rites, yet socially we strive for justice and equality for ALL people of faith.
We find beauty in Tradition, and uphold it not as a relic, but as a living testimony to the continued faith of the catholic church. The church has evolved, in an age where carelessness, insecurity, little to no growth, social injustice and minute spirituality seem to rule the stage. It is our hope to restore spirituality, to be inclusive of diversity, to strive for equality, to do justice and seek mercy, and to give hope to those without a spiritual home.
Our missions work to restore the faith, spirituality, and community of the ancient Church. We hope to bring all who are called into her body, exposure to the rich tradition found in Anglican liturgy. We do not believe that the Church must embrace chaos, cheapness, or modern innovations to be relevant in the current society. We believe that time honored tradition, spiritual flexibility, careful planning, and compassionate ministry are the tools that minister to a successful mission.
Our Spirituality is that of work, prayer and service to those around us. We strive to bring about peace and grace to the world through compassion and community. We believe these works are vital parts of the Christian Life, and encourage all to a life of holiness.
We are not in competition with any other ecclesiastical bodies, and we do no wish to diminish or deplete the ministries of these bodies, rather we seek to compliment them whenever possible. Our mission is to the poor, the minority, the forgotten, the excluded and the un-churched. We are clergy called to the Gospel mission of going to the "highways and biway." Being independent of any jurisdictional Church Body allows us to do that. We have Bishops who are part of this Society, these Bishops do not have a terrain or territory, rather they serve the society only as non jurisdictional episcopal members, who provide episcopal oversight to our missions. Our diocese is the world and our parish is the community
The Free Anglican Mission Society does not offer stipends to its clergy. Often, clergy will maintain positions outside of their ministry for which they earn a salary, these paid positions are separate from their ministry. Our Missionaries pursue a variety of ministries, in a variety of communities. Our missions operate solely on the tithes and pledges of congregants within the mission community and may include a stipend for the clergy in that mission. Sometimes clergy are supported on a stipendiary/honorary basis by the congregations they serve if their congregations have the ability to do so. The self-sacrifice, commitment and dedication undertaken by our missionaries has rightly lead to them being known as "tent-makers" as they work other jobs to provide additional support for their ministries.
Finally, We seek to retain the "old paths" and walk in their knowledge while refraining from the many various socially EXCLUSIVE agendas that plague and divide the Church. We are not structured to exclude individuals because of race, gender, social status, or sexual orientation but invite all to come into the the community of Christ's love.